
  • Balmog - "Testimony Of the Abominable"

    BlackSeed Productions
    Balmog - Testimony Of the Abominable Do you also hate it that terrible underground black metal bands usually are the most productive? Do you remember that brief period in time when black metal was an exciting prospect? Along comes Balmog. With a good dose of Celtic Frost/Hellhammer in their riffing, a little of mid-period Behemoth and the general delivery of post-Sabathan era Enthroned here’s a record that proves there’s still vitality to an otherwise written off genre. Surely, it isn’t the most revolutionary thing that is done here. This is entirely competent black/death metal that is more about atmosphere than skill, more about feeling than all-out speed and blasting. It will hardly win any prices for invention or experimentation, but at least Balmog know what they want and how to get it. Thank Odin for that. With an underground that spews at least a handful of clueless bands unto the scene on a weekly basis, this is refreshing to hear. Yeah, the skill level is moderate and the songs don’t always climax or deliver the pay-off all the building up hinted at, but at least there’s an idea here. That’s missing more than ever in most underground black metal. We all are tired of bands just aping their inspirations. It’s dull, that’s what. I guess you could call this theological to an extent, and the vocals that a good cue from "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" era Mayhem, and there’s a bit of classic Autopsy in the light death metal influences present here. I guess there’s a bit for everyone here.

    www.blackseedprod.comWouter / 7 Szukaj więcej o Balmog

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