Nadchodzące premiery

  • Pa Vesh En – Maniac Manifest

    Wydawca: Iron Bonehead Productions
    Data premiery: 2021-09-10
    Trzeci pełnoczasowy album tego nieszablonowego twórcy zza naszej wschodniej granicy. Wymykający się ścisłym ograniczeniom gatunkowym, ale jak zawsze surowy i utopiony w morzu pozagrobowej aury depresyjny black metal z histerycznymi wokalami. Jak opisuje wydawca: "Pa Vesh En dobitnie ucieleśnia brzmienie absolutnej, bezkresnej pustki", a jeżeli Wam to nie wystarczy to czytajcie dalej w oryginale:

    "And whereas the Belarusian loner has so far explored fringe elements of DSBM, with Maniac Manifest does PA VESH EN exhibit a startling violence that opens up yet more possibilities in the band's characteristic chasm of uncomfort. As suggested by the title itself, Maniac Manifest immediately charges forward with a far-more-Alpha surge than before; while not more conventionally "metal," PA VESH EN here at least give diehards something halfway more headbanging. But all-consuming/all-nullifying violence is the order of the day here, as the band's swirling sound of yore gets an uptick in energy as well as increasingly better production - still raw and bleeding, but more ably capturing the reverberating undercurrents that take on a(n undead) life of their own. Gooey-thick yet ghostly, Maniac Manifest smothers the senses into a quickly moving state of inertia-unto-oblivion; in short, PA VESH EN paralyze you no matter the tempo. Throughout, though, an aching-yet-subtle shroud of shattered melody hangs, providing a perverse disconnect from the slipstream at hand.

    Life is hard, and it usually only gets worse. PA VESH EN encapsulate this experience with pulse-threatening delirium with Maniac Manifest."

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