
  • Decimation - "Reign Of Ungodly Creation"

    2014 / CD
    Comatose Music
    Decimation - Reign Of Ungodly Creation Decimation is probably Turkey's most visible export next to Cenotaph. They play with a bit more dissonance, and actually attempt to sound evil. It's not the type of release that Comatose Music usually specializes in, although it has all the makings of a Comatose release: no solos, nearly constant double bass, undecipherable vocals, questionable production values, etc. It isn't as blisteringly fast, as Dying Fetus inspired, nor as flat sounding as is usually the standard with the label. It is reminiscent of "The Mystical Gate Of Reincarnation" Kataklysm in its thickness and drumming, and Tom Wilkinson era Immolation probably is a big source of inspiration too. A more varied vocal approach, and a few solos wouldn't have hurt either. As per contemporary standard the album is unforgivingly…. Unforgiving – but at some point people want songs, and that's where Decimation falls flat. It's not the amount of blasts, monstrously deep grunts or impossible riff sequences that count, but the actual songs – and this is where Decimation falters. "Reign Of Ungodly Creation" is a lot of things: functional, technically impressive, great in both design and layout – but also entirely redundant, and a pale imitation of more popular and better brands. The overlong songtitles are neat (Demilich did it far earlier, though) and the artwork is actually fantastic given how frustratingly mediocre this record is. These men know their way around their instruments, and if it weren't all so terribly one-dimensional and utterly without spirit this little death metal album would actually be tolerable, or god forbid, enjoyable even. Alas, it is not to be. / 5 Szukaj więcej o Decimation
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