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DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 10-05-2010, 08:54
autor: Hallucinating Death
"Diabolical Conquest Webzine launches a record label - Diabolical Conquest Records!
May 10, 2010

After running DC Webzine for five years, promoting hundreds of extreme metal bands and establishing a name for itself as a zine with rare integrity and honesty, we believe the time has come for us to take it to the next level. Instead of urging other labels to sign deserving bands, we will put our money where our mouth is and now do it ourselves. Needless to say, we will be promoting our bands extensively, and we will have worldwide distribution for our releases.

Based in India, DC Records will have the advantage of distributing extreme metal titles in a relatively virgin territory and catering to the needs of deprived metalheads there.

We will be making announcements about our bands and planned future releases shortly."

Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 15-05-2010, 09:32
autor: Hallucinating Death
Polish brothers, check out The Dead -

DC Records signs The Dead - Death Metal band from Australia
May 12, 2010


Diabolical Conquest Records is pleased to sign The Dead from Brisbane, Australia. Incorporating influences from genres such as doom metal to make their music gloomier and groovier and yet retaining the death metal aesthetic and underground essence, The Dead play in a unique, perverse style of raw and catchy death metal that transcends schools and trends. After releasing their debut full length album through the Australian Obsidian Records, DC Records will be re-releasing their latest full length album 'Ritual Executions', which was originally self-released by the band and limited to 100 copies, in much higher quantities. This release will have a modified artwork by Mike Yee and has been mixed and remastered by Aphotic Mote (Portal).

Diabolical Conquest founder Kunal N. Choksi comments, "I am extremely happy to sign what I feel is one of the best and most original sounding death metal bands today. After promoting The Dead for years, reviewing three of their releases in detail (with the last two finding a place in my best albums of the year lists) and even conducting an interview with them, it was as if I was destined to sign them; no other band seemed worthier. It is an honour to work with a band I have known and admired for so long and I hope to give them the exposure they truly deserve."

The Dead drummer Chris Morse adds, "It is an honour to be entrusted with DC Records' first release. DC Webzine has always been known for its honest and insightful reviews of underground metal releases and this will no doubt be reflected in the quality of music the label will release. It's a very exciting time for the band and we cannot express how jubilant we feel at being added to the DC Records roster."

Ritual Executions will be released early this monsoon. A special pre-order offer will be up soon."

A few The Dead mp3s from 'Ritual Executions' -

Preview of a 10 min instrumental song - ... uicide.mp3

Full song - ... attoir.mp3

Title track - ... utions.mp3

Thanks for your support!

Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 24-05-2010, 16:00
autor: Hallucinating Death
Ritual Executions album details revealed and is up for Pre-Order!
May 23, 2010


The second full length album of The Dead is a brilliant mix of twisted, brain-warping death metal and miasmic sludgy doom like no other. Perfectly arranged to maintain a sublime, engrossing balance, the combination of sharp, visceral hooks and massive doom trudges with remarkably groovy parts render Ritual Executions one of the most unique and fascinating albums to be released in this era. The remixing and remastering done by Aphotic Mote (Portal) specially for this DC Records version makes the originally dense and suffocating Ritual Executions much more breathable but retains the rawness and underground vibe that bring The Dead to life. The modified artwork sketched by vocalist Mike Yee suitably captures the essense and horrific otherwordly feel of The Dead's music - only a band member could achieve that.

Ritual Executions Track listing:

1. Burn Your Dead
2. Cannibal Abattoir [mp3]
3. Centurion
4. Born in a Grave
5. Ritual Executions [mp3]
6. Blood Angel
7. Death Metal Suicide [mp3 preview]

Total playing time 46:32

Ritual Executions Pre-Order Limited Offer

€7 EUR / $8 USD / $9 AUD - postage paid WORLDWIDE!

Paypal ID:

(Don't forget to mention your address in the note when making the payment.)

Buy now because prices are sure to increase after the album is released.

The official release date of Ritual Executions is June 28, 2010.

The Dead MySpace:

DC Records:

Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 22-06-2010, 18:50
autor: Hallucinating Death
Only few days are left for this pre-order offer to end! Order now and take advantage of supercheap postage paid prices!

Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 12-07-2010, 18:44
autor: Hallucinating Death
Hey all, this release is out now. The pre-order offer has ended and orders have been shipped out.

Now with The Dead CDs in stock, I am open to doing trades with bands and labels from around the world! Don't forget, since our label is based in India, you will have your releases distributed in a new untapped territory for metal!

We have wholesale offices in New York for America and in UK for Europe.

Don't hesitate to get in touch for trades and low postage paid wholesale rates:

Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 09-08-2010, 14:11
autor: Hallucinating Death
Here are some reviews of The Dead - Ritual Executions - "Our burgeoning battalion of today is fronted by the likes of Funebrarum, Witchrist, Teitanblood, Cemetery Urn, Excoriate (Deu), Ignivomous, and they're all collectively hurling their stony fists directly into the face of all that's spit-shined and punctiliously delivered from the more intricate end of the death metal spectrum. Which fittingly leads me into yet another addition to our Paleolithic Ranks: Australia's purveyors of putridity, The Dead. I'm pleased to see this band forge ahead with each subsequent release to elbow themselves amongst the expanding ranks of furrow-browed Cro-Magnons currently dragging knuckles through the death metal 'scape. Score one for the inaugural release from Diabolical Conquest Records: I say, long live The Dead." 8.1/10

Blabbermouth: "Ritual Executions" is like a virulent mutation of doom/sludge and old school death metal; think very generally along the lines of early ELECTRIC WIZARD meets AUTOPSY with gaps bridged by early Stockholm Swede-death, INCANTATION (well, sort of), and GODFLESH minimalism, which still doesn't quite describe it. More to the point, it is 47 minutes across seven often lengthy/stoner-jammy tracks of encrusted, stripped down death metal and sludgy/doomy plod that pops, sizzles, buzzes, and fuzzes through what might as well be vintage tube amps on the verge of blowing. It is the sound of acid melting flesh, hammers bashings skulls, and air being forced through bong water, led by resin-coated subterranean death vocals and accented with coked up, sadistic screams." 7.5/10

Sputnik Music: "The Dead are just another example of Australia’s knack for churning out distinctive death metal – while riding the wave along with bands like Ignivomous, Aethyvorous, Cemetery Urn and Portal, The Dead are stylistically divergent from their geographical contemporaries, and within the confines of death metal as well. Ritual Executions is remarkably accessible on a track by track listen, but its longevity is greatly lengthened as layers from each of the songs are peeled away." 4/5 stars

Metal Psalter: "The Dead’s second full-length album, Ritual Executions, is just about the grooviest death/doom album I’ve heard in, well, ever. It’s not often that you hear such heaviness blended together with so many riffs on one album, but that is exactly what you’ll find on this album. Aside from a few minor things, Ritual Executions is easily the most fun and grimy album of 2010." 4/5 stars

The Sleeping Shaman: "The Dead have managed to effortlessly spew out some of THE best, most original Death Metal that I've heard in quite some time on 'Ritual Executions', so kudos to THEM and kudos to Diabolical Conquest for being smart enough to rescue this release from the cult oblivion it could SO easily have ended up in."

Born In Blood zine: "Some might say (I know I did) that Autopsy’s 1991 Mental Funeral album was the first Stoner Death Metal album. I mention this because nearly 20 years later we have another one... The Dead are not a Death Metal Band, they play a cutting, exciting, and innovative blend of Stoner, Death Metal and Doom, rarely heard these days. They are that rarest of things, original." 9/10 "There’s Death and Doom, but it’s also crossed with brilliant moments of saving groove (a groovy dimension that transcends the last all instrumental long song ‘Death metal Suicide’ giving it a trance-like atmosphere). The whole thing pulsates like the soundtrack of the Apocalypse."

Hellride Music: "It was so absorbing of my mind and time today that it was in fact the only thing that got listened to today. I rarely get anything that captures me with that amount of pull, so that alone should stand for something to some of you reading this. The mixture of blistering rhythm tempos with the creeping tempo of the gigantic seaslug paced doom riffs definitely comes across as dense and obliterating. This is the stuff that keeps me going and coming back for more, it has balls, volume, groove, and is just plain wicked!!!! OOOOH soooooooo recommended."

Metalstorm: "Ritual Executions is Death metal enriched with groove, a slightly drugged-out atmosphere, lavish and trippy solos and a heavy load of Doom for good measure. For the fans of doomy and dirty Death metal as well as groovier, sludgier acts." 8/10

Doommantia: "Diabolical Conquest Records label is pretty new but has huge potential to be a major force in the underground. The re-mastered version sounds much clearer and crisper so its the version you must seek out to hear the band at its best. If you like Hooded Menace, Ramesses and Toadliquor, you should find this to be a worthy purchase." 8.5/10

Here is our full list of distributors and record labels dealing with us so far -

You can buy our release from them or directly from us for 8 EUR / $10 USD / $11 AUD postage paid worldwide!

Hopefully we will get some label/distro in Poland to distribute/trade with this release!


Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 30-10-2010, 08:46
autor: Hallucinating Death
More reviews of Ritual Executions:

Minacious Webzine: "If you are into Death/Doom Metal this is a must."

Voices from the Darkside: "It's not that they wanna sound sludgy, doomy, ugly - they seem to live and feel it and you can see that this is exactly the music they planned to perform... the sound of the re-release is fantastic and suits just perfect to this type of music. 'Death Metal Suicide’ – an awesome end for an astonishing album. Well done."

MetalTeamUK: "It's clearly full marks from me to The Dead for their primal brand of fuzzy, sludgy, grim and hazy transcendent death metal. The Dead should be to seasoned death metal fans what Faustcoven were to seasoned Black Metal fans a few years back a shot in the arm, and a kick in the arse."

Corazine: "The Dead, I am happy to say, stand out. This Australian act crashes together the blister gutfuck underground dirt of nasty death metal mayhem with the hook-heavy, psyche-grinding psychedelic stoner metal scene. The fusion is at once odd-and-shocking and totally effective."

Infernal Dominion: "It was a death metal ceremony to my ears and mind, which combined the nauseous qualities of doom and the trance enducing fervor of stoner/sludge which had weaved ghastly components of calamitous disdain. Diabolical Conquest Records have really discovered a bestial horde which can only promise to march ahead in its colossal style." 9/10

The Obelisk: "The headbanger contingent within the weedian genres is relatively small, but a band like The Dead feeds an impulse for brutality that’s downright primal, and to hear Ritual Executions transpose the two sounds onto each other – especially to hear it as well done as it is – is both refreshing and nostalgic at the same time."

Spinal Tapdance: "The album works effectively as a whole because of the band’s strong compositional skills, and the smart sequencing of tracks to alternate between trudging epics and more in-your-face, aggressive death metal blasts... the mélange of styles offered on this record ends up meshing rather well into a unique death metal whole... Diabolical Conquest Records have found themselves a real winner of an album here... get yourself a copy of Ritual Executions for a sledgehammer dose of heavy fucking metal reality." 80%

Wormwood Chronicles: "I'd say The Dead might be onto something with their cross of Asphyx and Ramesses."

Thrashocore: "Malgré un nom des plus communs, The Dead est clairement un groupe original à la personnalité marquée qui n'a pas envie de se laisser enfermer dans les carcans habituels. Ritual Executions nous fait voyager entre death metal sombre et vicieux, doom lourd et hypnotique et sludge gras et groovy avec ce qu'il faut de talent dans les riffs et de surprises dans la composition pour ne pas se demander quand on arrive." 7.5/10

Bells of Armageddon: "Alors, Doom/Death ou Death/Doom? On s'en fout!! The Dead vient de sortir un putain d'excellent deuxième album. Un achat obligatoire pour toute personne aimant sa musique puant de la gueule."

Friedof Magazine: "Putrefacción, muerte y sangre. Estas son las 3 premisas que os vais a encontrar dentro de este compacto. Todo ello bajo un sonido denso y plomizo que os sumergirá en un lodazal negro y oscuro como el carbón. Esta gente sabe cuando meter partes rápidas y rítmicas que nivelan la balanza con las lentas para no cansar al oyente." 8.00/10

Atlantic Tales: Главными плюсами “Ritual Executions” я бы назвал четко выверенный звук, грязноватый, будто окутанный тяжело оседающим дымом, тягучий и вязкий словно расплавленный воск, а также нежелание музыкантов зацикливаться на чем-то одном, удачно экспериментируя на стыке стилей. А уж после завершающего инструментального трека death metal действительно имеет моральное право покончить жизнь самоубийством." 8.5/10

The CD is available for trades and wholesale. Contact:

Here's another mp3 from the album, one of their slower doomier songs -

Re: DC Webzine launches a record label - DC Records!

: 03-02-2011, 08:34
autor: Hallucinating Death
More international media exposure for the band -

My Last Chapter: "There’s not a moment that’s not infested with a sense of real murky obscurity, not only thanks to the versatile material, but also production-wise. Psychedelic, doomy, sludgy stoner death metal isn’t normally a term I’d use to describe a band’s sound, but based on this album I don’t really know how else to describe The Dead. It’s certainly not for the meek, that’s for sure." 7/10

Zware Metalen: "Een apart werk dat in zijn geheel beluisterd moet worden om grondig te kunnen beoordelen en beleven. Je zult op het net ongetwijfeld allerhande beschrijvingen terugvinden die deze schijf proberen te benaderen maar uiteindelijk is het vooral uw persoonlijke muzikale geschiedenis die asociaties zal leggen, aangezien het zo uiteenlopend old school is." 79/100

Minacious Webzine: "It is comprised of 7 tracks of heavy, slow and dark Death Metal from the lowest pits of the abyss. The music is minimalistic and raw, and really fucking slow, which I really like. If you are into Death/Doom Metal this is a must."

Pest webzine: "This album is composed of 7 tracks lasting for about 45 minutes of Doomy Death Metal with a dirty, sludgy attitude, an album I have enjoyed a lot. Very catchy tunes, interesting, powerful and fat sounding, with lots of grooves all over. Everyone in the band gives their best and the result is great: old-school Death Metal with a heavy Doom atmosphere and dirty sound." "This album pretty much leaves its listener for gasping for air; so breath taking and ultimately so hard an experience it does offer content-wise, ripping everyone´s face off slowly but so treacherously. Mike Yee´s gut-deep death grunts are some of the most amazing ones I've heard for a long time – and I simply cannot help admiring the guitar's very crisp, down-tuned tone on this record. The whole musical atmosphere that they have succeeded in creating around the content of this record, is really oppressive and disturbing, in a good way. The album works out like a brimstone-filled pathway to your worst nightmares where there is no return from." 3.5/5

Aristocrazia Webzine: "Inutile continuare a proferire parola alcuna, qui c'è solo da mettere mano al portafogli e far vostra una copia di "Ritual Executions". In attesa di un prossimo lavoro dei The Dead, seguite le uscite della Diabolical Conquest, le premesse sembrano delle migliori e la direzione intra ... presa dovrebbe regalare l'emozioni che ogni old schooler che si rispetti ricerca." "THE DEAD mögen sicher keine Band für jedermann sein, dafür ist ihr Sound zu dreckig, zu rau und vielleicht auch zu extrem. Aber die Australier haben auf ihrem Debüt durchaus Überzeugungsarbeit geleistet und eine starke Alternative für diejenigen geschaffen, die ihren Todesblei nicht sonderlich standardisiert mögen - und obendrauf brachialen Doom mögen." 7.5/10 "Nach einem in den ersten Minuten nur leicht überdurchschnittlichen Eindruck entfaltet THE DEADs Zweitwerk "Ritual Executions" mit zunehmender Dauer (und weiteren Durchläufen) schnell seinen Reiz. Es ist eingängig, ohne auch nur im Geringsten weichgespült zu sein; originell und abwechslungsreich, ohne es zu übertreiben oder zerfahren zu wirken. Mit "Born In A Grave" gibt es auf diesem frischen, enorm Groove-betonten Death(/Doom)-Metal-Album ein wahres Ungeheuer von einem Lied - brutal, doomig und doch unwiderstehlich rockig zugleich." 7/10

Degradation of Morality: "The Dead‘s Ritual Executions (Diabolical Conquest, 2010) is a murky, distorted-to-the-brink-of-ruin slab of sludgy death metal with serious nods to doom. The Dead has a unique style, as I can’t think of another band that’s this groovy and grimy all at once. Their riffs, and the album as a whole, are incredibly dense and take a couple of listens to fully explore all of their murky recesses. But it’s time well spent."

Teeth of the Divine: "Fitting snugly alongside the likes of Grave, Hooded Menace, Runemagick, Autopsy, Coffins, Funerus and such; loping mid-paced lurches meld with a few sloppy blasts filled with sickly cavernous growls. It's all very organic, primitive and natural sounding with nary a triggered blast beat or arpeggio in sight and those wanting a break from the clinical precision of Decrepit Birth and their ilk might do well to check this out."

Chronicles of Chaos: "Neglecting speed and focusing more on the guitar factor, The Dead deliver a dissonant, almost stoner sounding death metal with riffs you actually can hear. The sound is huge, very dirty and underground, but surprisingly hard hitting and clear, while the vocalist is either a fucking inhuman beast or uses some kind of voice processing effect -- otherwise it's not clear how the hell he manages to deliver the vocals he does... The Dead has recorded an apt and unique an album, which is also one of the heaviest around but also quite melodic at times, as strange as it may seem. Think Black Sabbath playing death metal and you won't miss by much." 7/10

Headbangers India: "The Dead aren't human. No, quite the contrary. The Dead are vile creatures, remnants of an ancient race, unknown to man, who crept into the murky depths of the deepest oceans and stayed there for several thousand years until finally surfacing with an album that's just as bloody and dirty as they are. Ritual Executions is the second full length album by the Australian 3 piece deathsquad, released by Mumbai based label Diabolical Conquest Records, and the album decidedly carries influences from their time spent underground; it's dark, it's sludgy and every riff oozes slime and blood."

Thrashpit: "Regardless of whatever it is or what makes The Dead tick, "Ritual Executions" leaves a lasting impression of being one of the most interesting death metal's pieces recorded in recent memory, and their tasteful dichotomy is bound to vacuum a horde of extreme metal cannibals into their feeding pit of starvation and slow-roasted goodness without any skeletons hiding in the closet. Maybe in the backyard, but certainly not the closet." 86%

Cosmic Lava: "Their strength lies on the one hand in combining powerful grooves with technically demanding rhythms, on the other hand in enriching their death metal basis with a well-developed doom/heavy rock edge. Adam Kelcher's gigantic, swirling, tornadic riffs do not lack brutality and Chris Morse demands respect for top notch drumming. Only vocalist Mike Yee fulfils all death metal standards with his inhuman and guttural growls."
